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I know for couple of you, appears like a huge amount. But, here exactly what I tell the lender. It's a 15% flat interest per calendar year, no payments until I flip it. So, he provides me with $10,000 while i take that house subject-to. I now owe him $11,500. After one year, I'll owe him $13,000. After two years, I owe him $14,500. I really hope to cash it out before then, but I don' worry. If it's a sufficiently good deal acquire sub-to, and there is enough equity in there, I don't mind because I'd rather have that $10,000 up front and pay that $11,500 later or $13,000 later because I want that cash now.
Please remember that minimum payments will never get get you started of debt. You need to apply as much cash towards your debt is as you can, as fast as will be able to. Reduce those many years of payments as much as you can, and those interest payments in your pockets - not the loan card companies.
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